Sunday, July 02, 2006

Take a look at yourself

Have you ever taken a look at yourself? No not in the mirror, I mean a serious look. I did it once last year and afterwards I was glad I did. It's not a hard exercise, but you have to be in somewhat of a reflective mood and without any distractions, then get yourself a pen and piece of paper.

You then ask yourself two simple questions:

What things do I dislike about myself
What things do I like about myself

After about 20 minutes I had quite a list written down. Afterwards I took a look over it and was quite intrigued at the results. As it was the first time ever I'd had an insight into how I see myself as a human being, warts and all. I didn't really go any further with it, but it doesn't mean you couldn't.

Anyway I can recommend you give it a go, as I found it a good self development excerise.


Tim B.


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