Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It was the best of days it was.....

Well yesterday was great. It was the first time I've really been immersed in my writing since getting to my new place. Over two weeks, but I feel I was finally getting in the full grove of things again. On the other side of things I also had bad news. I think my left knee if phucked.... Went for a run after writing last night and for the first time in my 6 years of running I was almost unable to complete it.
After 20mins the pain became such that I had to hobble for about 3kms on the way home. Went to a doc today and have had X-rays, but I fear they won't turn out the best. I know when I phucked it too... that is the annoying thing, as it was the same weekend I moved into this place. I put way too much on my plate that weekend and my body just didn't stand up to it.... So I know it's my own fault.

Tim B.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

15,000 words in, and two weeks in the abyss......

Well finally I got back into it. It's been a solid two weeks of ripping my brain apart, but not doing anything, just attacking myself from the inside. But tonight at 10pm after another day of avoidance I finally bit the bullet had got in for another crack. Not a huge sesh, but managed a solid and pretty productive 3hrs.
I think the two weeks of avoidance could be partially put down to knowing what I was coming back to again.... The Start!!!
I must have written this bloody first chapter 5 times by now..... phuck me it's draining. I'm well behind where I wanted to be with this whole thing, but it is a first time eve 'thing'. So how could I ever really know where I needed to be with it anyway. Well I'm at least back in the game now. I was starting to doubt whether I'd ever get back.

Tim B.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why Blog?

Firslty, welcome to Bnoseworld.... my world that is! If you're wondering... you say it like Bee-nose-world.

I don't have any nicknames :( I've always been the person who makes them up for others.
But a dude I used to work with in the UK used to call me "Beeno" and I liked that, so I thought I'd use it now. He was actaully quite a funny guy, its a pity he got the sack. But he did head butt a collegue at the the work christmas function so theres not much the boss could do.

Anyway I have known about the Bloggers scene for quite some time now. But I've always thought it too self indulgent to get involved. It's like saying.... look at me, look at me. But then in truth, I'm always acting that way anyway, my 2 years of writing the NNN is a testament to that. So I figured it was time to get honest with myself and conform a little to the norm.

It's like the MP3 player argument. I've always been an adament opponent of the Ipod. Not liking how they make you play by their rules, or at least make it uncomfortable if you don't. Pushing the "I-tunes" music program on you and not acting as a generic viewable hard drive when you plug it into PC. As a result I've always been in favour of other brands like Iriver, Phillips or Digital Cube (which I have at the moment). But after using my friends Ipod's on many occasions, I have to admit they're damn well designed and in many aspects a better product than their rivals. So it's really only my stubborness and need to be different for holding out against the Ipod.... the same goes for the Blog. I have always wanted to design my own website with a running "Blog" if you will. And I feel by using someone elses model I am just cheating, taking the easy way out.... but in the end I have realised there is no point 'reinventing the wheel'.

At the moment I am trying to write my first and probably last ever novel. You know how they say "Everyone has a novel in them". Well getting mine out is like trying to pass gall stones, and it's defintely taking a toll. So this Blog will be my personal outlet venting all the highs and lows of my life while writing this novel.

Tim B.